Personal Crochet and Knit Lessons

Panbanged Knits & Fiber Shoppe is here to help you grow. We offer hourly individual Crochet and Knit lessons.These lessons are by appointment only, and are a personal one-on-one lesson with you and an instructor. These lessons can be for a variety of new skills, personalized in a variety of ways, from the very beginning stages of learning a new craft, to advanced techniques for the seasoned crafter.

Patterns can be purchased in the shoppe, through our Ravelry Store, and can be printed out after purchase, and will be available in your personal Ravelry account. (We can still purchase the pattern for you even if you do not have your own Ravelry account.)

Contact us for scheduling options. We are available throughout the week during our regular business hours to help!

Come create with us!